Finding Fulfillment from Fish
If you had asked me four years ago what my dream job was, it would be to work in Nepal doing reforestation with women's groups and if possible, throw in some fisheries work.

Years later, my dream is being realized as I am working with women in my village to build a nursery for trees that will be planted in abandoned fields and areas of high erosion (more information in a soon to come blog post). In addition, without knowing that I am a total fish nerd, the teachers at the local school asked me to collaborate on the building of a fish pond to help fight malnutrition and increase the community’s income-generating capacity.

Planned to be built in the center of the school grounds surrounded by gardens, this project will serve as an education, nutrition, empowerment, and ecological oasis. An aquaculture section is taught to grades 6, 7, and 8, but there is no hands-on aspect. To ensure they graduate from school with the knowledge of how to manage their own fish pond, the students will be responsible for the feeding, weighing, and harvesting of the fish. Because of my background in Fisheries, my role will be to collaborate with my counterpart to enhance existing curriculum with new climate-smart technologies that the students will have the chance to implement.

The creation of the fish pond also addresses two facets of malnutrition in Nepal: the lack of access to high protein foods and the continued practice of early marriage. My counterpart, Ms. Sita Tapa, recognizes that about half of students are not consuming adequate protein for proper development. Therefore, 1/2 of raised fish will be used to prepare meals for primary students (31 girls, 12 boys). The other 1/2 of raised fish will be sold locally to fund next year’s batch of fry, and for student hand soap. Alongside the fish pond, we are starting a girls’ club that will serve as a platform for sensitive conversations such as the importance of delaying marriage and childbirth.

Building this fish pond is of utmost importance because it will benefit those with the least access to resources; low income children, especially girls. Families who can afford it send their children to the local boarding school, effectively concentrating poverty at Shree Soubhagyodaya. This project will challenge community power dynamics and give under-privileged students access to new skills and a good protein source.

We need your help! I am fundraising $4,649 to build a long-term cement 12mx10.25mx1.5m pond. In order for the project to be fully completed, I need to fundraise this money by July 15th, 2018. This is coming up really fast!
Please visit my Peace Corps Fundraising Page and donate in support of our fish pond and girls’ empowerment project.
Every $10 donation counts! Even if you aren't in a place to donate, please share this page or fundraising link with everyone in your inbox: parents, PCVs, RPCVs, grandparents, sisters, aunts, uncles, neighbors, etc.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it
is the only thing that ever has."
– Margaret Mead